Wednesday 19 June 2013


All religions in the world have and will always have followers because each adept finds its account in one way or another. Whether Brahmin, Buddhist, Voduist, Indouiste, Orthodox, or Murid ... if he stays in his religion, it is because he felt miracles occuring in his life! However, some religions say that other religions are false, evil and worthless. Therefore,why on each side, everyone has his miracle? Are we sure that if a religion is actually worthless, people would have stayed just for fun? Or all religions are true, or there is another phenomenon that is beyond our understanding: Which one?

Note: It may be helpful for the reader to refer to the basic elements of the concept Voduism to understand this article.

Witchcraft: autopsy

  Many of my readers have told me: "Voodoo does not exist in my country", but they recognize the existence of witchcraft there. But witchcraft is a specific voduïd exists almost everywhere in the world. Voduism exists wherever there is witchcraft even if you do not see any voodoo! When we speak of witchcraft, people think only as an evil force that kills because it is the most common misconception about it. Those who believe are not wrong because in Africa, the majority of witches engage well in this exercise to detriment of other facets of the same power. It is therefore justified that the reader asks the question: "What is really witchcraft"?If there is a philosophy that sums witchcraft and many other realities in Voduism is that:

 All that is good can hurt.

Kindoki in Congo or Aze in Togo, different names are used to describe the same reality of witchcraft. After my research on all voduïds, witchcraft remains the most formidable because it combines the natural power entrusted by God to each individual and the pact with Absolute Power which fair and accurate description is difficult to make. There are several types of wizards who have entered into various agreements with the Absolute Power. Each concludes his pact with the Absolute Power as needed. Needs in Europe are very different from needs in Africa as well as the needs of a pastor, anxious to perform miracles, are different from the needs of a scientist. A music or football star will never enter into the same agreement as a terrorist because both of them will not make the same use of that power.

Use of witchcraft

Science, music, football, business, religion, government ... there is NONE of those areas where witchcraft is not used! When a trader uses to grow its business, an assassin use it to quench his thirst for blood. At the same time a scientist uses witchcraft to understand the truths behind a tangible reality, a footballer use it to reach a big club or make a name. When a chemist uses witchcraft to find its formula, a physicist will use it for the same purpose.

The science:

People think this is scientific Essort is only output of  simple intelligence of human beings. We are always told the one who discovered what, but we never know in what circunstance he did it or how he did it. Note also that most of the scientific properties which are demontrated (really??) as the telephone, for example, were widely used by our ancestors who did not call it phone! Many other realities such as teleportation, talk to the dead, the "natural"cons-balls  and other realities can be studied "objectively" by African scientists while there is still time if not, we should not be surprised that one day , European land with a "phone to call the dead" or "teleportation coffin" or Wi-fi cons-balls! White uses a lot of witchcraft in science and those who were lucky enough to live near some old have propabely heard them treat science as "witchcraft of the white man."

The arts and music:

Many sing, but very few become stars! Why? Most of them have signed pacts with the Absolute Power that pushes them to the top. No matter what the person sings, everyone will love. You'll even notice that the music that is popular is the most mundane possible while other musicians try hard to make quality music and you do not even look at them. How a clip made using a mobile phone has 1 million views on Youtube  while clips made  in good and due form have only 10,000 views?
The same situation is observed in football where great players have no club while initially means players  become stars at the end even without having won a title! It is said that some players have a sense of scoring, have the gift of football, are geniuses of football ... but nobody knows what they use to work hard to get there.
People paint, but some drawing have remained legendary and we still do not know why!

The field of business

Some new products on the market are sold faster than others but they are not of a so good quality. Two traders never have the same turnover, and it is a fact, but when two merchants selling the same product, side by side, record an unimaginable delay of sales, we must ask ourselves some questions. In the same company, bank, state administration, some climb the echelons faster than others. Some have high support but others, without support, climb more easily even if they are not great hard workers. Witchcraft is not absent in all this.

The field of religion

Who does not know the "man of god" who like to do miracles? They even make programs of miracles that will take place and takes care to show them on television for advertising. Apart from setting scenes, false testimony or false miracles (we never saw one of those "miracledoers" multiply bread or turn water into wine!), Many of those miracle "stars" use witchcraft : One to have two clients and two toperform miracles (real here): The followers see their wishes fulfilled but the power that made this work is witchcraft. While claiming to worship God, they are followers of witchcraft!

Politics doesn't make exception to the rule including presidents for life, rebels and politicians eager to climb to power ...

When does witchcraft become harmful?


  The afore-mentioned areas are very influenced by the spirit of competition where competition is so fierce at a point that many feel the need for a supernatural force. Some people can take refuge in religions but for others, it may be occult forces or witchcraft. When a footballer realizes that he may stay on bench for another more qualified, the use of witchcraft will cause injury to the  "barriers player" to allow the other envious witch to play . In the case of  a company or a bank ... the use of witchcraft will sicken, will make remove, even kill a competitor or higher to access his place. In the field of music, competition can bring a wizard to kill another artist to no longer have competition.


In a home with several women for one man, jealousy is something obvious and often leads women to misuse of witchcraft. In this case, if a single woman who uses witchcraft, it can kill other women that husband loves more than her, kill children from other women who are smarter than hers or radically kill husband to end the problems. If they are many to use witchcraft in the same house, it is doomed to destruction because the damage will be of big size. A conflict between wizards can affect their progenies.


  There are people who naturally have a penchant for evil. They are happy when they see blood flow or when they see people crying, such individuals enjoy the misfortune of others and do not like to spread joy around them. When they fall on witchcraft, the world is in danger because they are unambitious and their natural predisposition to hurt has taken over their souls. These are the types of individuals that Kenyans kill without mercy (Video below: Sensitive souls refrain).


I do not know if the other religions have talked about the natural power of every individual but in Voduism it is clearly stated that God has given power to each individual. While some individuals resort to supernatural forces to work miracles, others do naturally. Some people are naturally so strong that no power overcomes them! Others received an extraordinary intelligence from God and use it to their liking. These are not all those who are brilliant on earth who use witchcraft but today many are using witchcraft to do good or evil. Many famous artists have died young or died of sudden death when we know that those who enter into pacts with Absolute Powers pay for services with their lives. The research also showed that witches live in community as sects and we know that our world is governed by several highly organized sects who make important decisions about the future of the world.

Witchcraft is as old as the world and never disapear whatever efforts to oust him.

Tsetula TSAGLI

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