1-Azé: masculine noun ; Ewe word to describe witchcraft2-Bokonon: noun ; A spécialist of FA.
3- FA or Afan: masculine noun. .Language of communication with vodus. This is the art of geomancy or forecasting and data mining in vodouism.
1-Vodu or Voodoo: masculine noun ;( pl.vodus or voodoo)
1-A being or an individual who demonstrates exceptional qualities and use them at the service of society in order to release and / or put it at ease.
2 - Rank or title given to an individual who has reached the pinnacle of his art.
Eg: Samuel Eto'o is a voodoo of football.
3 - Religious entity that provides free and comfortable society.
Eg: Nyigblin is a voodoo
4 - Voodoo : epithet, which/who relates to the voodoo, eg: a voodoo priest, a king-voodoo
* Language voodoo:
1-set of rules and principles designed in a goal of social good understanding, of development and a good atmosphere.
2 - Set of signs used to communicate with one or Lots vodus
Eg: The FA or geomancy is the voodoo language by excellence.
* The voodoo-attitude: Ability to put those around him at ease with cheerfulness and kindness.
2-Voduic: adjective, on the voduism, which is coded language voodoo
. Ex: Arab culture is not voduic.
3-Voduism: masculine noun, plural vodouismes
1-Philosophical: Any worldview to free society and put everyone at ease.
2-Religious: faith in a number of voodoo and strict compliance with the voduic rules.
4-Voduist: adjective
1-A person who practices the voduism. Eg: Vozz Koffi is a voduist practitioner.
2-Partisan of voduisme; artist, writer ... who defends the voduism.
Eg: Akpalo Nyavo is voduist artist
3 - Man of action or words that combats the vices of society and puts up enough to be of a better company. It is commitment. Eg: Komlan Kpogli a voduist journalist.
4 -A person socially irreproachable in his behavior, his honesty and with whom people feel at ease.
5-Voduness: female name.
1-Vouduic feature of something; Eg: The voduness of a book or an art.
2-Divine nature of something or an object: the voduness of a song.
6-Voducy: female name; voduic of supernatural feature of someone.
Note: Voducy works for persons while voduness strives for things.
Eg: The voducy of Kidzo is different from Gbessi's one.
7-To Voduzen: regular verb ( past: voduzened)
1 - To ease, free, make it enjoyable to the world. Eg: To voduzen a culture or a religion.
2 - Giving a socially pleasant appearance to something.
8-Voducracy: feminine noun (pl: voducracies) A politico-religious system in which the supreme power belongs to vodounons and political power is given to civilians.
Ex: The vodoucratie Nyigblin Togoville.
9-Vodunon: noun (pl: vodunons) a priest or priestess voodoo.
10-Vodufio: noun (pl: vodufios) A king or chief voodoo. This is a king who governs civilian and who is under the authority of the Council of vodunons.
11-Voduzening : (e): 1-Adjective, which voduzen / that makes everyone comfortable. Eg: a voduzening song or action.
2-Noun (from Haiti), who pratices voduism . Synonym: voduist
2-Noun (from Haiti), who pratices voduism . Synonym: voduist
12-Voduization: noun; Way or action of voduzening.
13 - Voduïde: male name, an element of voduism. Eg: This cane is a vodouïde.
14 - Zoka: noun ( from Ewe composed of ZO ="fire" and Ka ="rope", literally "rope fire"), brute force and a weapon of war made from the elements of nature.
15- Agbokpa: Someone who doesn't believe in the voodoo.
Tsetula TSAGLI
15- Agbokpa: Someone who doesn't believe in the voodoo.
Tsetula TSAGLI
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