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Cola nuts |
Alafia is the most popular Vodu we have ever seen in Vodu Spirituality and Its ability to expand is simply amazing. Alafia meaning "peace" in many West African language like Kotokoli, Haoussas, Kabyè... has many other names.Godo Vodu ("Cola nut Vodu"in Ewe), Thron or Kpeto Deka. Kpeto refers to, let say "prayer place"(but Kpeto is very deeper than that) and Deka means "one" in Ewe. Kpeto Deka doen't mean "prayer place one" because the title "one" is added to make a difference between Alafia and another Thron called Kpeto Ve (Ve means "two" in Ewe). Both of them are Thron and have many similitudes for using cola nuts; but Kpeto Ve has many spirits like Nana Wango, Ablewa, Adzakpa...and uses Blekete rythm whereas Kpeto Deka uses Agbadza.
There are many Alafia followers in Nigeria,Benin,Togo,Ghana,Ivory Coast, Cameroon and United States. Each Alafia vodu in every country has his temple. It is possible to have two or three temples in big cities. A temple of Alafia is called "kponou". In the temple we have priests called "Kpedziga" who are responsible for hearing the prayer of any adept that comes to pray in the temple and then communicate it to the Vodu. The top priest of a temple is named "Hounon" . The speciality of this vodu is to catch sorcerers. I mean any house holding Alafia makes sorcerers be afraid of it.
Sorcerers habitually operate in the night as aze-xe "sorcerer-bird", by flying over houses in the purpose to capture soul of children. Any child whose soul is caught by sorcerer, falls sick and could die if there no Vodu to rescue the concerned child. Those witches/wizards never dare to fly over any Alafia house because, if they do so, they would fall down and be capured by Alafia. Then Alafia would TORTURE them till they tell truth about all their crimes.
Origin of Alafia
It is difficult to determine exactely when Alafia was born but Its introduction into Togo was by a hunter named ADZA KOSSI. He had probably received the Vodu from Haoussas for many Alafia songs state clearly the Haussan origin of the Vodu. Haoussas are all over West Africa and are nowadays mostly muslims. We can then assume that the violent expansion of Islam had destroyed the first Alafias as original beliefs of Haussas. The Vodu was introduced into Togo via Ghana and intalled for TONYEVIADZI early in the 1900's. Alafia is usually installed in two steps: firstly, the Kpeto is installed and years after, the THRON TA "Head of THRON" is installed. Only the Kpeto, very powerful and pitiless, was installed for Tonyeviadzi and he had installed It for GOKA. When Tonyeviadzi was in prison because the Kpeto had killed someone (Tonyeviadzi didn't include Fa in the processes of the Vodu; from that error, it is obligatory for every Alafia priest to include Fa), Goka was brought to Adza Kossi by SOSU DZENYON to get his Thron Ta made. Goka was the first Alafia priest in Togo to complete his Kpeto with Thron Ta and thereby, became the Highest Priest in Togo. Expansion of Christianty and Islam in Ghana made Ghanian hide many of their original beliefs. In addition, the fact that GOKA was the first to veritably preach Alafia over West Africa, especially in Benin,Ghana, Nigeria, Ivory Coast, Cameroon... makes Togo be the "World Center" of Alafia with GOKA dynasty.
The Annual Pilgrimage:
This vodu is so powerfull and so popular that It has millions of followers in many African countries nowadays. Every year, each Alafia temple organizes its annual feast called "Peta" . During this annual feast, Hounons from many temples are invited to the celebration. The annual feast starts on a Saturday at midnight with the "opening Fa".An "Afandziga" (name of Bokon in Alafia), makes a query to know the "dou" or the sign of the ceremony through FA. The day ends with drumming and sacrificies. There are two kinds of sacrifices: "Ago dede" and "Gu soso".I will explain them after the prayer session. On Saturday, in the night, an Agbadza session takes place at the public place: they call this Zan dodron. On Sunday , "Ago dede" and "Gu soso" would keep going on: Sacrifices are made with sheeps,dogs,cats,poultry; the day ends with Zan dodron and there are many spectators. On Sunday, the big sacrifice is made with a beef and on monday as well. On tuesday,the feast ends with the great "Agbassa" , consultation of Fa in the purpose to be sure that the vodu has accepted the ceremony. Monday is the last day of Zan dodron and tuesday's Agbassa is the end of the whole ceremony.
To see videos of PETA 2013 at Alafia Center in Souzame (Togo), here are some links:
Or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzL2QGmX4xg
Gbeda dodo (prayer)
Adepts of Alafia Vodu, called agbasi, have the habit to pray one,two or three times a week. Monday and friday are called "azan voe" that means "bad day" because during those two days, the door of the vodu is closed and nobody can pray. The other days are called "azan nyie" meaning "good day": People can pray over those days.The adept brings cola nuts (about 16 or 24 nuts) plus an amount of his/her choice and gives them to a priest of the temple.The priest is called "Kpedziga".What we really see when we go to Alafia vodu, is a mount of cola nuts and a big brick on which the kpedziga hits gentely with a small stone. The adept talk then to the priest who transmits the message to the vodu. When the kpedziga is transmiting the message to the vodu, the agbasi usually says "Ami" or "pèpèpè" that means "exactely" or "so is it". The priest, after transmitting the message to the vodu, makes some white points of a substance called "atike" which means "drugs" in Ewe. Therefore the kpedziga splits a cola nut into two parts and gives one to the follower. After the cola nut part, the priest gives holy water to the prayer: The holy water is called aflasi.
"Ago dede" and "Gu soso":
They are quite the same. "Gu soso" is a ceremony to prevent undesirable events like accidents or death. It is usually performed for those who are going to travel or in danger. The animals used for one gu soso are chiks, a dog, a cat. All these animals are not eaten at the end of the ceremony but burried (see pic dema). The burrial of animals sacrified for the ceremony forms what they call dema. This ceremony is accompanied by gong and "aya".
"Ago dede" is for those who have sinned. This ceremony is performed in a way of sin-cleaning. The animals used for this ceremony are chiks, a dog, a cat , a sheep, a ram. The sheep and the ram are eaten at the end of the ceremony while the others are burried as dema. The ceremony is accompanied by drumming sometimes.
Accession to the Community of Alafia:
Membership in the Alafia Community is not automatic. Membership in Alafia Community is called "Tron doudou" literally "Tron eating" in Ewe. Parents could do it for their children and adults can voluntarily request to join it. The accession ceremony has the peculiarity that the priest who celebrates the ceremony washes head already shaved of the seeker with Aflasi or "holy water". Elements used for such a ceremony are (Ewe names) : aklala, ataku, evi, sodabi, yovo hawo, calved godo or bisi, lovinda. The newcomer is called "Tron dou vi" or "Tron pe agbasi" both meaning "adept of Tron". The Alafia follower is easily identifiable in the society because of the blue and white pearls he/she wears on wrist, neck or ankle (see pic right).
Prohibitions of Alafia
There are many "ko" or prohibitions for any Alafia adept and priest. If someone "dou ko", the expression meaning "violate the prohibition", Alafia would punish him by a sickness till the adept goes to "dé ko", expression to say " to cancel violation" and the sickness would stop. Here are some of these prohibitions:
- They don't eat pork ! this is fundamental for them: if they dare eat pork, they would have stomachaches for days till they go to "dé ko".
- They don't eat in a burnt pot.
-A priests must not drink alcohol during a day he is supposed to enter Alafia's room.
-A priest must not have sex the night before a day he is supposed to enter Alafia's room.
-If the priest's wife is menstruating, she must not prepare food for the priest.
-A menstruating woman priest must not enter Alafia's room.
-A married woman adept must not cheat.
- No killing, no robbery, no sex in banal places like (wall, floor,lakes, fields...),no abortion...
These rules are very difficult to respect but adepts know that Alafia is severe. It is the reason why they obey very carefully these rules: there is no place for deviance in Alafia Community.
Kô dédé: It is the ceremony of expiation of sins. It is accompanied by some stick blows in the back.
Alafia Community is very large with a great number of followers and priests in many countries (Nigeria,Benin,Togo,Ghana,Ivory Coast), is covered by The Order of Alafia Priests. This Order is composed of all the Hounons of Alafia temples in the world. They are responsible for the installation of new temples and annual pilgrimages. They are also responsible for choising the successor of a deceased Hounon. Disputes in the Alafia Community are also under the responsibility of the Order. The Order's main seat is in Togo, more precisely Souzame (Lome). The President of the Order is called "Hougbonon" which means "chief of Hounons". The current highest Alafia priest in the world is Togbui AGBENYINU GOKA IV. He is one Goka's descendants and precisely the fourth of Goka dynasty.
Goka dynasty
-Awudza Goka I (till 1969): He is the reference in Alafia Community because He is the first to veritably preach Alafia in West Africa and develop the planetary mission dimension of Alafia. He was dead in 1969.
-Gbeklu Goka II (1970-1982) : Successor of Awudza, he was mostly involved in voduization of Alafia in Benin and in Ghana. He was a hunsru "consecrated" and the one to intall Alafia for Aguevodu of Togoville when he deceased in 1982.
-Attisogbe Goka III (1983-2004): When Gbeklu was dead, Attisogbe had continued the work of his predecessor and finished the installation of Alafia for Aguevodu. Attisogbe was personnaly interessed in expanding Alafia to Ivory Coast. During his 21 years reign he had intalled more Alafia than his predecessors. He was dead in 2004 leaving the throne for the current Highest Alafia Priest Togbui Agbenyinu Goka IV.
An example of Alafia dynasties: The Aguevodus of Togoville
Aguevodu was already a Hunongan and a famous Goha singer in Togo before being recommmanded by Fa to receive Alafia in 1980. He went near Gbeklu Goka II who grounded the Kpeto for him in 1981. Two years later, when Gbeklu was dead, Attisogbe had finished the job by making the Thron Ta for him. From 1983 to 1998, Aguevodu ruled the Vodu succefully in Togoville before leaving the throne, after his death in 1998, for his son Fianyo who took the title Aguevodu II at age 32. Dynamic and jovial, Fianyo was the one to install Alafia for Messan in Dokume (Togoville). He was dead in 2010, very young, succeeded by his brother Tovinyo Aguevodu III, the current Alafia priest of the dynasty. In addition to Alafia, Aguevodus hold many Vodus like: Hebiesso, Sakpata, Dan, Torhorsu, Avlekete, Aziza, Egun, Nan, Fa, Gakutu...
Alafia is particular and fascinating Vodu because of Its ability to expand quickly by attracting followers. The installation of take alot of money and time. Only wealthy people can hold this Vodu because of expences caused by Alafia to Its holder in feeding and pilgrimages. Yes Alafia is beautiful and expensive; it is you take it or you leave it!
It is difficult to determine exactely when Alafia was born but Its introduction into Togo was by a hunter named ADZA KOSSI. He had probably received the Vodu from Haoussas for many Alafia songs state clearly the Haussan origin of the Vodu. Haoussas are all over West Africa and are nowadays mostly muslims. We can then assume that the violent expansion of Islam had destroyed the first Alafias as original beliefs of Haussas. The Vodu was introduced into Togo via Ghana and intalled for TONYEVIADZI early in the 1900's. Alafia is usually installed in two steps: firstly, the Kpeto is installed and years after, the THRON TA "Head of THRON" is installed. Only the Kpeto, very powerful and pitiless, was installed for Tonyeviadzi and he had installed It for GOKA. When Tonyeviadzi was in prison because the Kpeto had killed someone (Tonyeviadzi didn't include Fa in the processes of the Vodu; from that error, it is obligatory for every Alafia priest to include Fa), Goka was brought to Adza Kossi by SOSU DZENYON to get his Thron Ta made. Goka was the first Alafia priest in Togo to complete his Kpeto with Thron Ta and thereby, became the Highest Priest in Togo. Expansion of Christianty and Islam in Ghana made Ghanian hide many of their original beliefs. In addition, the fact that GOKA was the first to veritably preach Alafia over West Africa, especially in Benin,Ghana, Nigeria, Ivory Coast, Cameroon... makes Togo be the "World Center" of Alafia with GOKA dynasty.
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Annual pilgrimage |
This vodu is so powerfull and so popular that It has millions of followers in many African countries nowadays. Every year, each Alafia temple organizes its annual feast called "Peta" . During this annual feast, Hounons from many temples are invited to the celebration. The annual feast starts on a Saturday at midnight with the "opening Fa".An "Afandziga" (name of Bokon in Alafia), makes a query to know the "dou" or the sign of the ceremony through FA. The day ends with drumming and sacrificies. There are two kinds of sacrifices: "Ago dede" and "Gu soso".I will explain them after the prayer session. On Saturday, in the night, an Agbadza session takes place at the public place: they call this Zan dodron. On Sunday , "Ago dede" and "Gu soso" would keep going on: Sacrifices are made with sheeps,dogs,cats,poultry; the day ends with Zan dodron and there are many spectators. On Sunday, the big sacrifice is made with a beef and on monday as well. On tuesday,the feast ends with the great "Agbassa" , consultation of Fa in the purpose to be sure that the vodu has accepted the ceremony. Monday is the last day of Zan dodron and tuesday's Agbassa is the end of the whole ceremony.
To see videos of PETA 2013 at Alafia Center in Souzame (Togo), here are some links:
Or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzL2QGmX4xg
Gbeda dodo (prayer)
Adepts of Alafia Vodu, called agbasi, have the habit to pray one,two or three times a week. Monday and friday are called "azan voe" that means "bad day" because during those two days, the door of the vodu is closed and nobody can pray. The other days are called "azan nyie" meaning "good day": People can pray over those days.The adept brings cola nuts (about 16 or 24 nuts) plus an amount of his/her choice and gives them to a priest of the temple.The priest is called "Kpedziga".What we really see when we go to Alafia vodu, is a mount of cola nuts and a big brick on which the kpedziga hits gentely with a small stone. The adept talk then to the priest who transmits the message to the vodu. When the kpedziga is transmiting the message to the vodu, the agbasi usually says "Ami" or "pèpèpè" that means "exactely" or "so is it". The priest, after transmitting the message to the vodu, makes some white points of a substance called "atike" which means "drugs" in Ewe. Therefore the kpedziga splits a cola nut into two parts and gives one to the follower. After the cola nut part, the priest gives holy water to the prayer: The holy water is called aflasi.
atike |
Vodu fonfon (Vodu awaking)
Each morning a priest of Alafia is responsible for waking the vodu up by playing the gong. He/she asks blessing of Alafia over the day: This practice is called "Vodu fonfon" ie "wake the vodu up" or as "kpô huhun "ie" open kpô ". At nightfall, a priest takes care of making the Vodu "sleep" with gong playing after thanking Alafia for the day: this is called "kpô tutu" to say "kpô closing"."Ago dede" and "Gu soso":
Dema |
"Ago dede" is for those who have sinned. This ceremony is performed in a way of sin-cleaning. The animals used for this ceremony are chiks, a dog, a cat , a sheep, a ram. The sheep and the ram are eaten at the end of the ceremony while the others are burried as dema. The ceremony is accompanied by drumming sometimes.
Accession to the Community of Alafia:
Pearls of Alafia followers |
There are many "ko" or prohibitions for any Alafia adept and priest. If someone "dou ko", the expression meaning "violate the prohibition", Alafia would punish him by a sickness till the adept goes to "dé ko", expression to say " to cancel violation" and the sickness would stop. Here are some of these prohibitions:
- They don't eat pork ! this is fundamental for them: if they dare eat pork, they would have stomachaches for days till they go to "dé ko".
- They don't eat in a burnt pot.
-A priests must not drink alcohol during a day he is supposed to enter Alafia's room.
-A priest must not have sex the night before a day he is supposed to enter Alafia's room.
-If the priest's wife is menstruating, she must not prepare food for the priest.
-A menstruating woman priest must not enter Alafia's room.
-A married woman adept must not cheat.
- No killing, no robbery, no sex in banal places like (wall, floor,lakes, fields...),no abortion...
These rules are very difficult to respect but adepts know that Alafia is severe. It is the reason why they obey very carefully these rules: there is no place for deviance in Alafia Community.
Kô dédé: It is the ceremony of expiation of sins. It is accompanied by some stick blows in the back.
The Order of Alafia Priests
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Goka dynasty |
Goka dynasty
-Awudza Goka I (till 1969): He is the reference in Alafia Community because He is the first to veritably preach Alafia in West Africa and develop the planetary mission dimension of Alafia. He was dead in 1969.
-Gbeklu Goka II (1970-1982) : Successor of Awudza, he was mostly involved in voduization of Alafia in Benin and in Ghana. He was a hunsru "consecrated" and the one to intall Alafia for Aguevodu of Togoville when he deceased in 1982.
-Attisogbe Goka III (1983-2004): When Gbeklu was dead, Attisogbe had continued the work of his predecessor and finished the installation of Alafia for Aguevodu. Attisogbe was personnaly interessed in expanding Alafia to Ivory Coast. During his 21 years reign he had intalled more Alafia than his predecessors. He was dead in 2004 leaving the throne for the current Highest Alafia Priest Togbui Agbenyinu Goka IV.
An example of Alafia dynasties: The Aguevodus of Togoville

Alafia is particular and fascinating Vodu because of Its ability to expand quickly by attracting followers. The installation of take alot of money and time. Only wealthy people can hold this Vodu because of expences caused by Alafia to Its holder in feeding and pilgrimages. Yes Alafia is beautiful and expensive; it is you take it or you leave it!
Tsetula TSAGLI
Nice. As a practitioner of Alafia Vodu, I thank u for this. Alafia has made its way to the United States. Come and see me on Facebook. Nanakokosekye
ReplyDeleteAlafia is conqueror. I am not surprised that Alafia has reached USA because of the ability of that VODU to expand. In my opinion, Alfia will dominate the world since He attracts people as magnet.