Saturday, 1 March 2014


Hebieso/Hevieso is a VODU which manifests His power through the Thunder. Another name of this VODU is Sango/Shango. This Vodu is particular because people are consacrated to Him according to their Kponli (Odu) but EVERYBODY can get His HELP. People consecrated to Hebieso have the following particularities: 1- The spend 3 to 4 years in convent (now reduced to 1 year by Vodu reforms)2 - they speak another language in the convent called Vodugbe (Vodu language) 3-They must not have fight (they must be peaceful)... Hebieso is one of warrior Vodus like Egun (Ogun). If you get robbed (a huge fortune) by an armed gang for example and you go complain to Hebieso, those who have stolen your wealth will be split by thunder's energy...

Tsetula TSAGLI

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