Mocked by black during the trail of zimmerman
We blacks, we use to complain about hatred we suffer from other people; but we never ask if we really love ourselves first! Does black love himself as black? does he accept himself as an African or afrodescendant? Is black proud of his African legacy? Can a black complain about racism or anti-black hatred when he does not love himself first?
The self-hatred of black is a widespread phenomenon but remains unknown because most of these anti-black blacks took refuge behind pseudonyms like "reason", "objective" or "universalist." In reality, they are destroyed by a long culture of submission and alienation that eventually trivialize self-hatred and the worst is that, they project this hate onto other blacks. This is translated by a systematic anti-black position taking with the pretext that blacks "complain too much," "feel too victims" ... and a not avowed larbinism. Much of today's blacks hate themselves. As evidence, talk of voduism to an insane black and look at his reaction! You will see this hate appear pronto. Why do blacks love self-hatred so much?
The crisis of dignity
The insane black is like this unworthy child who prefers to live slave in the "luxury" of others rather than staying proud in poverty of his parents. The Black likes begging, likes asking, likes supplicating; it is difficult for a Black to keep his dignity in front of a lousy money. This shows how easy it is to corrupt an African today! Admit it, this is the reality! The African has long since lost any notion of dignity and prefers to live slave if only to have a piece of warm bread! The black likes to live in the culture of others rather than feeling proud of his. He wants to speak French better than the French himself, he wants to know Arabic better than Arab himself, he wants to show himself as a great Christian, he wants to show himself as a great Muslim so that today, when an African said that is not Christian, people say he is Muslim and vice versa. Black people have so internalized status of an animal without religion that he comforts himself with the religion of others. An Arab, how muddy can be his worldview, he will never let someone else replace it with another culture. An Arab has an impeccable dignity that annoys many European while Africans are rather more malleable, more docile, more alienable. The black man was so subject to all kinds of humiliation that he desperately seek for a place in oppressing religions to be safe from criticism and attack. He hides himself in Christianity to be safe from ridicule of whites or refuge in Islam to be safe from Arab attacks. But he forgets that these are two people who often spit on him. Say how the notion of dignity does not mean anything for Blacks today. We saw Sarkozy been applauded when insulting blacks in Senegal while George Bush received a boot in his face in the Arab world! We also remember the antipathy Sekou Toure was aroused from his own blacks compatriots because of the legendary "NO" to Degaulle! Once the African has a long Arab robe or Western gucci neck tie, it remains proud and nothing else is more important for him.
Black essentially define himself as a full part of another culture and it is therefore impossible to avail himself of African spirituality. He is ashamed and does not want to be associated with!
The inferiority complex
Someone who lacks dignity has no trouble feeling inferior. In the Black, this is seen through the desire to look white. This involves the act of stripping the skin with harmful substances, hair straightener, to know foreign culture than authochtones themselves. The inferiority complex of the Black pushes him to seek a spouse in the ranks of the race he considers superior. The ideal wife of a black man is a white woman, is an Arab the ideal partner of a black woman is white or Arabic...and never a BLACK!It is sufficient that a person is thin or skinned so that Black becomes the worst kind of complexed in front of him. Besides blacks love to mock those of them that are too dark! names like "blacky" or "blackos" are usual among blacks today. The complex is so deep that silly white is more worth than black scholar for a black since truth belongs to the white man in his mind! This inferiority complex has led some to consider themselves white "in their head" where they defines themselves as reason opposed to others who would be emotions. There are even more pity for those out there who seek for a white, Jewish or Arab roots! I emphasize how blacks are hopeless without culturally and religiously strong attachment and are flowing with all ideological waves. Some blacks come to the denial of race and invent a world in which everything would be justified : he will deny racism by comparing it to ethnic conflicts ; he takes part in the struggle of other peoples in order to be accepted by them.
As long as the Black feels inferior to other races, he will never accept to define himself from the typical African values.
Anger against the ancestors
Blacks are angry against their ancestors who failed to give them the dignity they wish. Having very weaked ancestors who were defeated and dragged in the mud, raises no pride in descendants how worthy they may be. The notorious weakness which our ancestors have shown in the past and especially their lack of organization to build a strong and powerful black African world to ensure the safety of all blacks, make today blacks want to detach themselves from this humiliation to seek a place in another culture or in other people with glorious past. We add to that the sad reality that SOME ancestors participated the sale of their siblings during successive slaveries and that fact has deeply outraged many blacks : just see the role that our Heads of State nowadays play against blacks to understand this reality. Many blacks today believe that our ancestors were subhuman and that today blacks are more advanced than those that existed before. What makes today's black to not want to be associated with those animalities as it considers himself "evolved" and that their values are "primitive." If you tell them "return to our values," they will reply "it will help us to do what? These values were useful to ancestors?" Each of us keeps inside the anger against our ancestors to have not ensured our safety. Those who are weaker than those resentments reject any of their ancestors.
This factor is much more religious interest. Africans do not like to be ashamed. Moreover, humans do not like to be ashamed but the case of Blacks is pathological in religious terms. We saw many blacks extol the virtues of great spirituality in Africa but remained in the imposed religions. Why? Black is ashamed to say he is part of African spirituality as in the collective imagination, each spirituality of Africa has been demonized. The campaign of vampirisation in Africa has a great success and has helped the domination of Blacks today. Can we say with certainty that all the deities and all forms of belief in Africa are bad? This problem is not confined to adepts of imposed religions but also pan-Africanist, negrologs, pan-Negrists ... NONE of them has clearly claimed to belong to any African spirituality. Cheikh Anta Diop, after shooting his great work for Africa, has left doubts about his religion before his death; to say we have no proof that he did not die Muslim! We see Kemits avail themselves of Egyptian descent and does not publicly display their faith in a known African spirituality. The proof is palpable, African spirituality is SHAME on Blacks!
What to do?
From the cultural perspective
Creating new styles of clothing
We need to change clothing fashion and thought. The African must be able to invent a new way of clothing from traditional clothing. It is nevertheless not an excuse to dress like in the Middle Ages! we need to create modern styles from the old styles and invent African brands that give dignity and pride to African. The new fashion clothing must be BEAUTIFUL! beauty must be crucial in this process of creation to stimulate the taste of black for these new styles and brands. We must also stop looking for the love of others or the mercy of other people on earth to not look like desperate. WE ARE NOT LOVED BECAUSE WE ARE BLACK! and we will not change to be black to expect to be loved one day! Utopians who think they can be loved by any action whatsoever, just let them talk, one day, they will realize their mistake: Racism doesn't need their opinion to destroy blacks!It also requires that Africans stop thinking that their ancestors were cowards! there were many who had fought as valiantely as Behanzin and Samori! We do not belong to people of losers. We are not inferior to other races and we can work to reverse the tendancy and earn the respect of the world.
From a religious point of view
New voodoo temples (Vozzphoto, 2011)
Above all we must break with the religious PROSTITUTION in the abrahamic religons that makes us go for people who do not know God and strengthens the prejudice that we would be animals without soul or conscience. We must leave the mental slavery of abrahamic relgions, break the chains of spiritual alienation in those religions that have clearly established the "curse of blacks" as Satanic principle. Blacks must even struggle that such ideological absurdities are no longer taught against them by rejecting any idea of black Satan! Blacks must loath these abrahamic books as a Jewish loaths Mein Kampf of Hiter by giving them NO importance.
Nothing beats the authenticity and Blacks must be more assertive and showing their membership of African spirituality centered voduism. Is it justified that a black, carrying an insane name, bowing to a white or arabic god, mocking his ancestors, complain about racism? did he not himself erected as his own lifestyle self-hatred?
Vodouiste I am, voduist I will remain!
Tsetula TSAGLI
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