"All those who do not believe our kponlis, we will burn them; those who refuse to recognize the FA as the only messenger of Mawu will be exterminated since it is Mawu Himself who sent us this message to spread in the world because voduism it is the only religion that He has chosen, " this is the kind of sentence that goes through the mind of the reader when he reads the title of this article, because two of the abrahamic religions have accustomed us to this kind of scenarios namely, spread their beliefs by FORCE. Burn "pagan", kill "unbelievers", exterminate "infidels", euthanise scientists, excommunicate "discidents" ... in the name of God (?), is the picture of all the crimes against humanity committed in the name of God. In vodu cosmogony, it is specified that the Fa is the ONLY messenger of God, but why voduists have not used this message to go attack other peaceful people?
Voduism: monotheism or polytheism?
A very popular idea that was the basis of degradation of vodu is that the existence of several vodu would mean polytheism. But in voduism, there is only One God called MAWU and this name is never used in the plural. In addition, the word Vodu is distinct from Mawu and never was it known by a vodu "Mawuvi" or "mawu" to say "little god". The two words are distinct shows that they refer to two distinct realities. So, if we take the case of European settlers for example, we see that the word God is used to refer to the Supreme Divinity and earthly deities as well. Worse, the word "God" comes from "deus" which has a Greek root "Zeus". So we can conclude that these European were real polytheists and, having noticed the existence of several vodu in Africa, concluded that it was polytheism: In truth, these European, true polytheists have only TRANSPOSED their own polytheism on Africa because the resemblance between the voduism and their beliefs are enormous. This conclusion on the voduism as polytheism was political because they knew very well the reality: Leopold II, King of the Belgians writes on January 12, 1883: "The purpose of your mission is not to teach blacks to know God; they already know Him from their ancestors. They speak and submit to Nzambi-Mpungu; Mvidi Mukulu; Mungu etc ... "The imperialists know that we know God before their arrival.Voduism is a monotheistic religion for the existence of a single MAWU, not represented and too holy to be worshiped.
Note: Personally, I wish the voduism is polytheistic: This would change NOTHING in the credibility of the religion because nobody has been able to show the existence of one God to demand proof of the existence of several Gods! Shows me that there is one God, and I will demonstrate you the existence of several.
A very singular reality in abrahamic religions is that you must be adept before asking something to their prophets. When you want any blessing in these religions, you must be or become full member. But in voduism, you do not need to believe in vodu before you get help from him. Often people come to see the vodu when they are in difficulties. It goes without saying that an adept of an abrahamic religion can seek the help of vodu and after returning to his religion without problem. No vodu priest began to preach his vodu to attract "customers" by pretextig that vodu is the "only way" access to God since who says voduism also says immensity of God and recognition of several pathways to God. That's why voduists are very open to other religions. If today we are forced to write about vodu, it is because the abrahamic religions have cataloged vodu in Satanism. Vodu has never needed publicity for all vodunons trust their vodu. And when you go see a vodu, you will do a promise! if you've got what you want, you come to honor your promises, otherwise, nobody holds you. In vodu, ONLY WHO IS SATISFIED HONOURS HIS PROMISES!!
Voduism and poverty:
"Blessed are the poor for they shall go to heaven" does not exist in voduism because PARADISE does not exist in the voduism. Everything is continuous, linear and pragmatic in voduism. Cults or ceremonies are EXPENSIVE in vodu: no poor can venture going in vodu ceremonies. This is a weak point of voduism because it is not accessible to the poor! Radical as it may seem, voduism became, knowingly or unknowingly, a religion for HIGH CLASS! The poor are forced to fight for a lot of money if they wish to make vodu ceremonies. People can even live in a house of vodu without offering sacrifices worthy of the name to voodoo. So by its very essence, voduism abhors poverty. Nobody is supposed to live in poverty according to voduism. This has worked against voodoo because after Arab and European colonization where settlers killed to impose their religions, the lower class is directed to the abrahamic religions which glorify poverty and who are in their means. In addition to these religions like distributing food and aid to the poor to attract them so everything came together to attack the voodoo religion of the "high class". These cheap abrahamic religions who erected poverty to rank of blessing and promise a paradise where people eat without working coincide well with the dreams of the poor and lazy. We see here that the religious colonization played a gruesome role in the delay of Africa because these religions have created the CULT OF THE SLOTH AND POVERTY.
The world needs to learn from voduism not for people to abandon their beliefs to voduism but to be tolerant and recognize that there may be other means of access to God. In addition, abrahamic religions must stop distorting the Africans away their true names and cover them with insane names not to mention the abolition of laziness and poverty cult.

Tsetula TSAGLI
Great article!
ReplyDeleteThanks for encouraging me.